Well if you are interested to use gsm future tool then you need to know how to use it with a correct way and enjoy fast work. In this have two step one of them is Get ready and another one is Place order. Let’s see both one by one here :
Step -01 Get Ready
In this step you need to Get ready for your service like, if you wants to do Samsung frp then you need to select port from combobox and then click on Samsung frp. After this show two option like ok and cancel. As if you are client and doing your frp then click ok and you see here usb redirector will open and show some instructions follow them and use given ip in redirector once you get ready and came on step 2 in usb redirector then you can place order and wait for success.

Step-02 Place Order
Once you get ready in your tool like usb redirector or usb over network then you can follow step 2. In this step you need to check server if server is online then you can place order and wait for success team get your msg soon and do your work instantly. Sometime you need to wait as many order came same time take to delay service. Keep patience and enjoy service if by chance your work not done you get refund automatically instantly.
Server Under Mentinance Error
If you see a msg in group Server is online and you see in your tool Under Mentinance its means there have any issue. So its have to solve by this video follow well.:
- Use latest Setup.
- Check well your network working.
- Must have data and time up to date.
- Follow this video.
If You Wants To Work For Your Client And Did Not show tool
Step -01 : Open tool in your pc and select samsung or other from port and click on service button. When popup show just click on cancel button and follow instruction in your client pc. Once you get ready then ping.eu in clinet pc and write this ip in Gsm future tool at the place of my ip.
Step -02 : Now place order and wait for success once your order success port will removed automatic. If there will any issue a msg you get by team with refunded credit instantly.